Ordinary people. Extraordinary lawyers.

We get results for you just like the thousands of other injured people we have assisted in the last 40 years.

We can help you.

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Traditional professional values with a dynamic modern approach

“Unlike my brothers here, who are concerned with the law, I am concerned with justice” Lord Denning

We are with Denning on this one. Our profession’s traditional values of honesty, integrity, fairness, service and confidentiality are not to be sacrificed when embracing a modern business approach.

Commercial accountability and a passion for getting the job done

“Nothing is less productive than to make more efficient what should not be done at all” Peter Drucker

We provide honest and valuable advice. Then if it needs doing, we get it done.

Specialist expertise and courageous representation

“Victorious warriors win first and then go to war” Sun Tzu

Winning is dependant on expertise and preparation. Most court cases are won through meticulous preparation, paired with specialist expertise.

“If you don’t fight, you lose”

In a modern world where politicians seek power, bureaucrats crave control and corporations prioritise profit, the ordinary person needs someone to aid their fight for a fair go. Without this help, vested interests can quash individual rights, like a steamroller rolls over an ant.

We’ll champion your rights and help restore the scales of justice.

40 Years unparalleled service

With over 40 years of experience assisting clients throughout Australia, our team is well equipped to courageously represent you and to get the job done.

We are a proud regional firm with experience in Courts throughout the eastern States and Western Australia.

New South Wales | Victoria | Queensland | Western Australia

Our extraordinary people

Read the latest legal insights from our team …

Did work cause the serious injury or death?

“An interesting case ..PTSD linked to the death of Police Officer from cancer”.

A recent determination of the Personal Injury Commission (PIC) has found that a former NSW Police Officer’s psychological injury in 2019, caused his death from metastatic gastroesophageal functional carcinoma 3 years later (Culhana v State of New South Wales (NSW Police Force) […]

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